Sandra 13th August 2021

Our beautiful Sean . It’s so sad to think this time 3 years ago everything was was going so well . Then everything changed so suddenly on the 14/8/18 . our world turned upside down ,the worst devastating blow . Our light went from our lives . Living without you never gets any easier Sean . we love and miss you immensely . Nothing is the same anymore , without you . We are surrounded by your beautiful memories , your pictures in many frames , but life does not get any easier as time has gone by Sean Everyday we just want to hold you tight and never let you go . Our beautiful son brother uncle grandson and good friend to many, we all miss you so very very much.our beautiful son a daily thought a daily tear just wishing you were still here. God Bless Sean we send all our love to Heaven every day, we pray you are in Gods loving arms in his keeping and we keep you in our hearts xxxxxx🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️SMS🙏💙x